An Earthworker holding both thumbs up to the camera, wearing ear defenders and safety glasses

Becoming an Earthworker

How to become an Earthworker

Please click below to find out how to contact us and let us know you are interested in becoming an Earthworker.

Referring someone you know?

If you are a professional looking to refer individuals to our service, please express your interest here.

Daily activities

You will visit our site between 9:30am and 3:30pm, usually once a week.
During the day there is plenty to do!

An Earthworker on his hands and knees, leaning over a vegetable bed in the garden, wearing planting gloves

Grow fruit and veg

An Earthworker using a saw to cut a log of wood

Work with wood

An Earthworker standing alongside a table of garden produce

Sell the produce

Create with crafts

Working together

Learn new skills, meet new people, and help the community.

A group of six Earthworkers and Volunteers sitting around a garden table taking a lunch break
Three Earthworkers standing in the polytunnel, overlooking plants
Two Earthworkers caring for the market garden, holding watering cans
One Earthworker and one Volunteer working together in the garden, using hand forks and wearing gardening gloves
Two Earthworkers stood next to each other smiling in the polytunnel
An Earthworker and a Volunteer standing arm-in-arm, holding shovels
An Earthworker, support worker and staff member, sat together outside The Warren in the sunshine, taking their morning break
A group of three Earthworkers, one Volunteer, one staff member, creating textile art

Play our relaxing video

Watch a day unfold in our eco-gardens in this slow video.