Items we need

Please get in touch
We’re looking for both everyday items, and some more unusual. Donations help to save the charity’s valuable funds. We would love to hear from you, please get in touch if you can help. Thank you for your support.
Please contact us if you would like to donate any of the following items.
Please note that we do not require plastic plant pots at this time.
Outdoor materials

For example:
Kneeling pads (particularly those with handles), terracotta pots, organic peat-free compost, tools in a good condition, terrarium tools, secateurs, organic chicken manure, modular seed trays (small/medium sized only), plant labels, string / twine, garden wire, watering cans with roses

Plants and seeds
For example:
Plant and flower seeds, fruit and veg seeds, plants and seedings to plant out and/or sell

For example:
Wood (for crafts – not chipboard or MDF), cutter screws, nails, drill bits, sandpaper, spirit level, woodworking set square, linseed oil, builders pencils

Paint and varnish
For example:
Metal/multisurfice paint, wood paint, protective or cosmetic varnish
Please note, donations must be water-based only and we may not be able to accept donations of part-cans

Habitat equipment
For example:
Sampling quadrats, pond dipping equipment (nets, magnifying glasses, etc), dichotomous keys for a range of habitat species identification (e.g. pond, hedgerow, woodland)

Protective equipment
For example:
Overalls, waterproof jackets and trousers, aprons, large t-shirts, tabbards, ear defenders, goggles, gardening and woodworking gloves, gauntlet gloves, new safety boots
Arts and education

Paper crafts
For example:
Scissors, card making materials including stickers, specialist paper and card, wire, string, tissue paper and stencils

Craft materials
For example:
Paintbrushes, glue sticks, PVA glue, poster paints, glitter (bio-degradable only), materials for new craft projects in line with our values

For example:
Books on horticulture and permaculture, training materials, educational equipment
Household items

Office supplies
For example:
A4 recycled printer paper, envelopes, sticky labels, whole sheet A4 labels

For example:
Tea, coffee, sugar, stevia tablets, organic UHT milk, oat milk
(donations of unopened in-date food/drink only)

Raffle prizes
For example:
Raffle prizes for our events (or items that we can gift e.g. presents for our Earthworkers at Christmas)